
Tuesday, January 24, 2017


In the face of the uncertainty caused by President Trump's government, the Copyright Alliance has written a letter to the U.S President requesting that he support a 'strong and vibrant copyright system in the US' by protecting 'copyright holders from online theft' and ensuring that creators share in the massive profits' made by internet platforms from their works.

According to the letter, 'The Copyright Alliance is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to foster policies that promote and preserve the value of copyright, and to protect the rights of creators and innovators.' The organisation represents 'over 1.8 million creators and 13000 trade organizations and companies'. The Letter was signed by Copyright Alliance's CEO, Keith Kupferschmid, urging President Trump "to stand with American creators and innovators by promoting and preserving the value of copyright in United States and abroad."

Kupferschmid decided to take another approach with the President Trump by stating:
Throughout the long history of our country, few, if any, Presidents have had a more sizable and diverse copyright portfolio than you. Your experiences as a businessman have afforded you insights into the value and importance of copyright and how copyright protections help drive the US economy and create millions of well-paying jobs and small businesses...” 

He went on to state the importance and value of the copyright industries to the US economy and the need to 'empower US creators to innovate and start small businesses'. He went on to highlight the issue of the prevalence of digital piracy and difficulty of 'creators and small businesses to obtain or maintain their protections [which] weakens the value proposition for creators and small businesses [and] may result in fewer jobs in the copyright industries.' In addition, he stressed the importance of copyright owners being able to 'realise the value of their work in the free market without the undue constraints of government regulation and control'. 

He concluded by stating:
"We hope you will support a strong and vibrant copyright system in the United States that protects copyright holders from online theft and ensures that creators share in the massive profits being made by internet platforms from these copyrighted works."

The Copyright Alliance’s Policy Framework was attached to the letter. The Policy Framework document 'provides additional information about the value of copyright', as well as the organisation's views. A copy of the letter can be accessed here.

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