
Thursday, March 9, 2017


Photo: World IP Day
On April 26th every year, the World IP day is celebrated with the purpose of "learning the role that intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyright) play in encouraging innovation and creativity."

According to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), this year's focus is exploring "how innovation is making our lives healthier, safer, and more comfortable, turning problems into progress." In addition, the organisation highlighted the importance of looking "at how the intellectual property system supports innovation by attracting investment, rewarding creators, encouraging them to develop their ideas, and ensuring that their new knowledge is freely available so that tomorrow’s innovators can build on today’s new technology."

It is the creativity and innovation displayed by people around the world that tackles and solves global issues such as poverty, food availability, health and even climate change. The protection of these innovations by intellectual property rights creates an atmosphere where creativity can thrive and an incentive to encourage more innovation. It also ensures knowledge is shared by attracting investments and inter-territorial cooperation. 

We can all identify at least one way that innovation has changed our lives. Problems are solved by people who think long and hard about creating a solution. From the chair we sit on, to our laptops, mobile phones, light bulbs, cars etc. which are constantly improved on by new technologies; innovation is something that influences everyone around the world. However, depending on location and means, the levels of access to these technologies may vary.

WIPO is asking you to consider the following questions:
  • Which innovation has most improved your life?
  • What more can be done to make sure new technologies reach the people who need them? 
  • What do you think should be the priorities for future innovation?
Join in this discussion by sharing the publicity materials  below on your social media handles using the tag: #worldipday


 For more information, see WIPO Website and World IP Day Facebook page.

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